Black Square Netlabel


BS084 Melophobia - TateModern

raw files recorded inside Tate Modern, early in a sunny morning of April 2011...
not much overproduction, but a lot of silence and real echo/ambience...
Tate Calendar : The Unilever Series: Ai Weiwei (ground / Turbine Hall),
Exhibition : Gabriel Orozco.

recording date : 08 April 2011 (Friday), Tate Modern, Bankside London UK
production / mastering date : 12 June 2011, Greece

six tracks running also as a unedited one of total time of 56'32"
another seventh track with heavier production/rework added as bonus (05'49")

made and intended for minidisc use by Melophobia

01 - 01
02 - 02 
03 - 03
04 - 04
05 - 05
06 - 06
07 - 07 (bonus track)