Black Square Netlabel


BS071 Alex Charles - Ocean

"Recorded live at the Prince of Wales pub, Birmingham, 9th of September, 2012. Post production done at home in Lye on the same day.

Shortwave radio and analogue synth." - Alex Charles

01 - Ocean


BS070 Radio for the Daydreamers - Die! Avant-Garde

"Die! Avant-Garde" is the Third Official record by Radio for the Daydreamers. Aloof and completely detached from the ongoing triptych (Praying for the Be(a)st), this record is breathing space for our minds and concentrates on a different chaotic wile. 
Including collaborations with and remixes from some brilliant artists, this record is dedicated to our fans for their continued support and love.
For those fond of meanings, looking for a story is sometimes as futile as looking for the origin of chaos. It is here and we are a part of it.

released 15 October 2012 
We would like to thank M.Nomized, Seiswork, Sylphides, Teresa Tam, Cesar Naves and Axial Films for the collaborations.

01 - Wasted Faces (Seiswork Remix)
02 - Ennui
03 - Goodbye Voltaire
04 - Curl Up, Time To Die (Street Hop Remix)
05 - Phantastic Finity of Fortitude (Seiswork remix)
06 - Interzone (The Buried Barnacles of Burroughs Version)
07 - With Wings, You Will Learn To Fall (The Sylphides Deconstruction)
08 - Sky Is Dust. Thunder Crawls Like Rust.
09 - No One Ever Comes Here, But Me (Seiswork Remix)
10 - Neither Of Us Will Live On (The Burden Of Purpose Acoustic Version)
11 - Goodbye Voltaire (Without You, They Will Never Find Me)
12 - ...And Neither Of Us Will Die
13 - Curl Up, Time To Die (Gentle Death Mix)
14 - Black River Time Bombs (Avenge the Usurper Remix)
15 - The Devil's Laws


BS069 MUTATE - No one in the mirror

Inspired by a comment President Nixon made to his psych, this ep
explores inbetween states - people and places in flux, whether
momentarily, or for lifetimes. This idea extends to some of the
source material used and the process of making this ep, which
I thought may never see the light of day. States change.


Recorded @ The Lab, 2011
All performances, production, artwork, etc, by MUTATE
MUTATE is Ade Bordicott
(C) 2012 MUTATE

Thanks to Shelly Butcher for source image & Alex Z.

01 - Limbus
02 - Between
03 - Flyover
04 - No one in the mirror
05 - Ingenmansland


BS068 Black Square Cloudcast - End of Days

"Only the hand that erases can write the true thing." - Meister Eckhart

Photo: "Untitled" by Luca Norbiato

00:00 Ostensibly Ossified - Contemporary Coma
00:47 Aerosyn - First Kill (Dawn of Predation)
03:14 Speculativism - Future Poem (text)
05:04 Baskyl - Oh, nothing, just a blurred Vision...
08:50 Korin VG - Last Mirage 5
13:22 Exit To Exist - Daybreak's Lament
36:02 Richard There - Black birds can live forever
39:27 Subterrestrial - Madness at the Edge of a Black Hole
46:56 Muser - End of Days
55:09 SFIAS - Lord, We Come Before Thee Now
01:00:11 Speculativism - Solitude (Duke Ellington cover)


BS067 Kid Feardive - Blue Hand

"These tracks started out as improvisations, and were then edited and re-edited into semi-coherent pieces. The overall tone is melancholic, but there are some comic moments, as well as some pleasant tunes." - Kid Feardive

01 - Ayla Taken
02 - Test for Brandy Passing
03 - Meanwhile One the Number
04 - 15th Floor Mentaculus (also taken)
05 - Sweaters and Drive
06 - Disty Weather
07 - Ta Ta Tone
08 - Miniature Four
09 - Miniature Two (ibex heart barium)
10 - Radio Data
11 - Violet on Violet


BS066 Desposyni - The Radiant Mindfield

A collaboration between Ade Bordicott (MUTATE) and Hyaena Fierling Reich, Desposyni sculpt, collage and maim sound into twisted soundscapes. At times cloying and intense, they deliver Walls of unease at will. Spoken word vistas.

Complete improvisation - every performance different; unique.

Alchemical malcontents. A Bacon painting put to sound.

recorded live @ Dusk Till Dawn in London 04.03.2012
recording & production: Adrian Bordicott
all live, no overdubs

Tim Drage and Max Leonard Hitchings
Alex @ Black Square

01 - la pell de brau
02 - interference I
03 - song of the wind
04 - interference II
05 - in the desert garden
06 - interference III
07 - from the woods of Berkana (reuptake)
08 - interference IV
09 - Dusk till dawn gig (Live in London)


BS065 Zen Nihilistisch - Niemand will aber den Propheten

"… vice et voyage…
viol de temps
vitriol d'espace
une chute par en avant
par en avant
en avant
avant le départ
et pendant presque toute une vie
je suis assuré… de prendre le bon son
LSD des sons
je laisse ma raison à la maison
un univers à la foi
deux vie en même temps
trois esprits unis
quatre routes au même point
cinq risques
six sexes
sept sens
huit couché pour l'infinie
neuf vrais
dix multipliés
… vice et voyage…
… vin d'état subtil
… et croire en tout…
… et croire un peut plus en rien…
je suis si immense et si réel…
que petit prend toute la place du verbe...

Perduss (Le Québécois)" - Zen Nihilistisch

All track by Angelo Secondini aka Cometa
Angelo Secondini: guitars and electronic sounds
Davide Perla: drums and percussion
Alan Ciani; bass

01 - Scheinbaren Leben
02 - Exil
03 - Das Rauschen innen
04 - Maske
05 - Nichts voller nichts Voll
06 - Metamatica
07 - Träume


BS064 Black Square Cloudcast - back to Avant-Garde VIII

“There is no place for the past in the realm of the future...” - from Sun Ra’s apocalyptic poem “The Damned Air”

Photo: "." by Annalisa Cadenelli

00:00 Delia Derbyshire - Running (1964)
08:04 Jean-Claude Risset - Mutations (1969)
12:57 Janet Cardiff - A Large Slow River (2001)
30:52 Jack Goldstein - THE QUIVERING EARTH (1977)
39:43 Masonna - Part XVII (1997)
41:03 Nam June Paik - Etude for Pianoforte (1960)
56:27 Sun Ra - The Damned Air (1962)


BS063 Sanmi - Piano Explosion

"Piano Explosion is an experimental project for future real piano with midi control device. Already Yamaha had developed grand piano with high level outer midi control for concert. Possibility of the future that laptop control grand piano is coming now 2012. This time I used max/msp devices for control synthetic software. Piano is going to express beyond real fingers." - Sanmi

01 - 4
02 - 3
03 - 1
04 - 2
05 - 5