Black Square Netlabel


BS038 Melophobia - '10_3 m'

Some people found this disc accidentally, we tend to do this...
All the others should use headphones in order to underline all sounds...
We come from Greece and we are heading to nowhere!
Recorded, produced, manipulated here!
in June 2010 by Melophobia & dxt

01 - 01
02 - 02
03 - 03


BS037 Black Square Cloudcast - back to Avant-Garde VI

“We die. That may be the meaning of life. But we do language. That may be the measure of our lives.” - Toni Morrison

00:00 Thomas A. Clark - Spell for Sarah (1971)
01:57 Taku Sugimoto - Improvisation (1996)
12:29 Vincent Barras & Jacques Demierre - bh n (a) (2007)
45:46 Tim Hecker - Pluie 4 (for Sylvain Émard Danse) (2004)


BS036 Speculativism - Glitchy Bricolage

Glitchy Bricolage, an album by Speculativism (AKA Peter-David Smith)

01 - Glitchy Bricolage
02 - Angular Blues
03 - Beneath the Dark a Deeper Darkness
04 - Buttercups, Swans and Humans
05 - Do Androids Dream of Eclectic Bleeps?
06 - Drama
07 - EYE
08 - Figures in a Landscape
09 - Garnawoggle
10 - Unknown
11 - I'm Not a Mouse
12 - It's Good to be Alive in 2085
13 - Kissing Your Beetle Bloodied Lips
14 - Little Nemo in Slumberland
15 - Situation Normal All Glitched Up - S.N.A.G.U
16 - Static Jive
17 - The Yellow Wallpaper
18 - Three Damaged Figures
19 - Mrs Dalloway


BS035 Syrtis Major - 6

"The album "6" has a high emotional charge, it's about feelings that were wrote down using notes. Every song tells a different story, the album it's not supposed to be played all at once since you can not like all of the songs at the same time. Try to enjoy the song you hear. It is for the sad people." - Syrtis Major

01 - Winter's Clear Sky
02 - Delusional Belief
03 - Death In Springtime
04 - To Alfred Lewis Vail
05 - Depressive Episode
06 - Shattered Memories
07 - Paperworks
08 - Death In Springtime (no reverse)
09 - Psychoactive Chemical Compound


BS034 Black Square Cloudcast - The Machinery of the Universe

What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how
infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and
admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like
a god! the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals—and yet,
to me, what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me—
nor woman neither, though by your smiling you seem to say so.”
William Shakespeare - Hamlet, Act 2, scene 2, 303–312

00:00 Ungud - kur ciej kur ciej seni cebataiciai
00:59 Subterrestrial - The Machinery of the Universe
03:11 Carlos Lemosh - Computer Love
03:44 - 21:41 Megaherbs - Endurance Drone
06:33 Mayfairgrin - grafted (final edit)
11:39 Skerror - Lil Rotto
16:05 Larsp - Melencoliah Tremor
20:04 Mojo The Cat - Cat'traction
21:41 Raspad Atoma - Home
25:04 Ian Linter - Nai Full
30:09 RTP - Incesto Lusitano
37:41 Krovo - Xoz
41:41 The Venopian Solitude - Pancaran Ultra Lembayung
43:45 Christian Munthe - Muntmunt II
46:03 Canoply Games - All of us become the phantoms
51:30 Tatlum - Gates
55:41 Sir Alec Hendrix - no feed for trolls
58:32 Jordan Prestrot - Suite n°2 : II. Our Procession of Cripples


BS033 Subterrestrial - Esoteric Zoo

"As you may know, Subterrestrial is largely influenced by hollow earth theories, but also conspiracy theories, unexplainable phenomenon and the mysteries of the universe. "Esoteric Zoo" is inspired by fantastic creatures from Persian and Medieval European mythology. My original intent was to create something more "ambient," but the tracks ending up sounding more rhythmic. My usual devices of drone, minimalism and repetition are present, as always." - Subterrestrial

01 - Melusine
02 - Ezhdehā
03 - Gryphon
04 - Mantikhoras
05 - Ophidian
06 - Melek Taus
07 - Leviathan


BS032 Black Square Cloudcast - back to Avant-Garde V

“Life is a wonderful thing to talk about, or to read about in history books - but it is terrible when one has to live it.” - Jean Anouilh

00:00 Jean Dubuffet - La fleur de barbe (1961)
23:28 Goffredo Petrassi - Flou (1980)
31:30 Jean Dubuffet - Humeur Incertaine (1960-61)
39:16 Henry Kaiser - It's a Wonderful Life (1982)


BS031 Cagey House - Major Monk (plus three)

"The first four tracks on Major Monk Plus 3 are music-oriented sound collages that loosely follow an anti-rationalist simian protagonist as he pursues his life-long vendetta against a group of prim'e numbers who run a mustard factory. (Thanks to Clarica and Lucy Burgoyne at Librivox for swell vocal samples, and to Corsica_S at Freesound for the mustard lady.) The remaining tracks are more-or-less conventional instrumental pieces with some vocal embellishments." - Cagey House

01 - Champion Major Monk
02 - Trouble in Mustard Town
03 - A Ship Made of Tears
04 - Major Monk Addresses the Author
05 - The Basement Numbers
06 - Jack the Marble and the Policeman
07 - Fast Asleep in the Poconos


BS030 Cameron Steele - Electrocircus

“This album is partly a science-fiction story about a corrupt regime that turns people into machines, and partly not fiction at all.
Robotic voices are all speech synthesizers having text fed into them. There's also voice samples from an exploitation film, obscure YouTube videos, and musical pop star interviews.” - Cameron Steele

01 - Pretense
02 - So Many Insides
03 - Circa Circus
04 - False Tango of the Last Trapeze
05 - Say We Are
06 - Money Engine
07 - Down Forty-Five
08 - Malcamold Poison
09 - Clown Court
10 - Soliloquist de Ventriloquist
11 - Who Dat
12 - Been a Wrong Road


BS029 Bose Ensemble - Eugenic teddybears

"Album "Eugenic teddybears" contains music pieces created in year 2008. It could be a story about toxic childhood in post-soviet state of East Europe, it possible that main inspiration of this material was singing of birds. Obviously, it's really hard to remember that at the moment" - Bose Ensemble

01 - UHT milk trauma
02 - aisthesis (traffic for two flutes, two pots, water, ceramic bell, few hanger loops, sticky tape, carrier bag and knitting needle)
03 - wooden curve
04 - tribute (traffic for default room environment, two wooden sticks, two random chats and Glenn Gould performing Aria from Bach's Goldberg Variations)
05 - Untitled (take 1) Part I
06 - Untitled (take 1) Part II
07 - Untitled (take 1) Part III


BS028 Fescal - Omnia

Fescal’s recent wayward plunge into the dominion of dark experimental music demonstrates that not only is he a deft of beatless dark ambient drones but of melodic dark electron-organic music as well.
The title track “Ginger Baker” is a noisy venture into an opaque world of undulating drones thundering above subtle textures of electronics and samples.
The aptly named “Vulgar and Kitsch” follows with the catchy babble of strong synth and keyboard samples along with heavy crackles and glitches.
With “Bomdila Monastery” the emphasis is on an assortment of repetitive percussive sounds and looping brazen sonorities.
Fifth “Pork Pie and Beans” is a cold, mellow composition with a beautifully simple minor-keyed melody, sad synths, programmed and brisk, ominous electronics flittering about in the background.
What sounds like sound samples played in reverse set above layers of rolling percussion give “Shrimp Cake” a surreal atmosphere!
“Evening Butterflies” is a playful, abstract collage of thick drones, curious electronics, and static noise.

01 - Ginger Baker
02 - Vulgar and Kitsch
03 - Scampi with Marmite
04 - Bomdila Monastery
05 - Pork Pie and Beans
06 - Shrimp Cakes
07 - Evening Butterflies


BS027 KraftiM - Jobin

il était une fois une poubelle....

Once upon a time there was a bin.
Filled with orphanaged soundsnippets from an artist who hesitated what to do with it. Along came a soundarchitect who just learned to behave more ecologically responsable. And so the bin was searched carefully, parts were scrubbed, put in a new home, chopped, treated, refined, remodelled and combined until 7 tracks came out.
The artist is Joanne Gabriel, the sounds are recycled by KraftiM. The titles are derived from the original tracknames and should be pronounced in french...

and now there is Jobin

01 - Jorigin
02 - Jocir
03 - Jorizon
04 - Jospace
05 - Jonoo
06 - Jomem
07 - Jovisle

Voice and guitar: Joanne Gabriel
Drums on Jonoo: Jorpen Parker
synths, mixing and production: KraftiM
Mastering: Doc

Sleevedesign: KraftiM
based on the picture simulacrum ~5.1 from In_Cognitus


BS026 John Storm - Severe Sensational Teenage Soul

John Storm: Severe Sensational Teenage Soul
Recorded 2010 at Rl'yeh, CA, USA
For stolen portions, refer:
1. Andre Popp, Jim Backus, Slapp Happy
3. Verne Langdon, Electric Lemon Record Co.
4. Lee Hazlewood
5. Super Mario World, Coca-Cola
Steve Hazzard is the Walrus

01 - Exhaltation of the Avatar of Lord Baphomet/Severe Sensational Teenage Soul
02 - Don'cha Feel Like a Sex Machine?
03 - Abraham Lincoln's Pizza Cabin
04 - Lisa Carol Freemont
05 - The Fever That Makes You Move Your Hips


BS025 Sanmi - Music Written by Water

This work is first album of Sanmi which played sine wave with glitch livecut pingpong delay works at Tundra Electronic Festival in Lithuania 2009.

The album was inspired especially from Tokyo city itself. That is from its chaos, huge concrete jungle and speed and dynamics of life.

And this time in 2010, adding bonus track.

01 - Yellow Holography
02 - Firebird
03 - I wish I could play Jazz
04 - Moku Moku
05 - After 0823
06 - Kira Kira
07 - Number 9
08 - What's New in Saitama (bonus track)


BS024 Yajna Vedana - Trimurti (Promo)

"Trimurti", त्रिमूर्ति, or "three forms", is a concept in which the cosmic functions of creation, preservation, and destruction are personified by the forms of Brahmā the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Śhiva the destroyer or transformer.

Trimurti, is a concept album based around these three forms. Each song is a dedication, a tribute, a sacrifice to these aspects of creation, preservation and destruction. Utilizing Sanskrit verses from ancient texts and mantras, the lyrics are kept in their original forms and in their original sincerity. Chanted in trance-like states, this is the state that the album attempts to re-create. Theta, theta, theta." - Yajna Vedana

01 - Brahmacharya
02 - Narayana
03 - Atma Shatakam


BS023 Skerror - Island Envisage

"Pulp comic tale of reform on the obscure isle." - Skerror

01 - Weed Sea Roller
02 - Water Skipper
03 - Ghost Pirate Parole
04 - Arctic Extradition
05 - Sarlacc Silk
06 - Batmosmhere
07 - Leaf Krakkin
08 - Arboretum Interrogatum
09 - Oraculled
10 - Drawbridge
11 - Sparkling Stranger
12 - Ess Lumber


BS022 Black Square Cloudcast - back to Avant-Garde IV

“Harpists spend 90 percent of their lives tuning their harps and 10 percent playing out of tune.” - Igor Stravinsky

00:00 Luis de Pablo - Al son que tocan, side 1 (between 1974 and 1976)
16:14 Morton Subotnick - Axolotl (cello and "ghost" electronics) (1980)
33:30 Donald Erb - Reconnaissance (1967)
50:44 Luis de Pablo - Al son que tocan, side 2 (between 1974 and 1976)


BS021 A Screaming Comes Across the Sky - Take That Hüsker

All songs © 2004 John Storm/Andrei Benjamin
Recorded at R’lyeh, CA
Produced by Storm/Benjamin
Mixed, engineered and recorded by John
This recording includes performances by: Ted Klondike, Mason, Jaws, Dixon, Arnox, Salsa Bunch, Henrix, Joe Matt.
This recording contains a sample of “Mr. Jones” by Counting Crows, and the cover is a facsimile of “There’s Always Room on the Broom”, by Liars, which in and of itself is a facsimile of “Strategies Against Architecture” by Eintruzende Neubauten, none of it used with permission, but we hope they don’t mind.
ASCATS proudly uses Memphis`ѕ size guitars, Squire Sidekick practice amps, Yamaha Porta-Sound PSS-460, Kool Toys “My First Band” toy drumkit, Squire Strat Guitar, Tascam Porta-Studio 414 MKII, Squire 3-string P-Bass, Maxell II magnetic tape, Dell computers, Radioshack Omnidirectional Mic, GTR Harmonium, Sony Cassette-Corder TCM-200D, Nokia cellphone.

2010 Notes by John Storm:

Ah...2004. A year of waves, babes, and heavily-armed enclaves. And in this turbulent time same a saviour: the first album by the now-legendary A Screaming Comes Across the Sky. What started as a true crusade, to destroy the infidels of bland indie pop (or possibly as a joke to spite a co-worker) blossomed, like the proverbial fungus, scattering its spores o'er the landscape of music until it would be damn hard to get out without going to the doctor. It woos you to know, dear reader, that at the end of the record is a recoding of the first-ever performance of the band, when at the time I was joined by two quite attractive women, at least far more so than Mr. Benjamin, not that he didn't have that little sumthin-sumthin himself, usually after the fifth scotch. At the end of the title track, I hurt myself by drinking some scalding soup. It's a scary world!

01 - I Love Punk Rock
02 - Take That Hüsker
03 - Joe Matt/Will, Eat Your Hart Out
04 - Punk Rock
05 - I Love 1970’s Experimental German Music


BS020 Black Square Cloudcast - Ignis Sacer

“I sit in the dark. And it would be hard to figure out
which is worse; the dark inside, or the darkness out.” - Joseph Brodsky

00:00 (thresh*ld) - The Gates of Birth
08:02 BKPR - Pretend
18:18 Ivan Čkonjević - EXP. Lokomotive nose tvoje ime
24:27 Aurist - Dekindling
28:49 John Praw - I Want To Always Be On Film
44:22 Caustic Reverie - Ignis Sacer
01:06:22 The Venopian Solitude - Away, Out


Урфин Джюс - 15

Urfin Dzhyus (Урфин Джюс) were the first underground russian rock band from the large Soviet city of Sverdlovsk (now called Yekaterinburg).
Their best album "15" was recorded in 1982.

00:00 451°F
07:29 Мир на стене
13:06 Лишняя деталь
18:19 Человек наподобие ветра
22:00 Homo Superior
25:40 Призрачный гость
32:44 Мышь
35:50 Актер в черно-белой ленте
41.16 Ты слишком неподвижен
45:18 Пропасть
51:48 Тупик
55:37 Автомобиль без управления
01:02:02 Кукла
01:06:26 Размышления компьютера о любви
01:11:22 Другая сторона холма


BS019 Thus The Tinsilemen - that's gotta hurt

The Best of Thus The Tinsilemen

01 - Wait Here
02 - Death Match
03 - Fortune Teller
04 - Merry Go Round
05 - Sealed Hot Spring
06 - Rat Meat
07 - To Long of a Hug
08 - We Will
09 - I Want to Die
10 - It`s a Wonderful Life (Sparklehorse cover)
11 - Evergreen Trees


BS018 Black Square Cloudcast - back to Avant-Garde III

“The sole art that suits me is that which, rising from unrest, tends toward serenity.” - André Gide

00:00 Furious Pig - The King Mother (1980)
07:51 Lasry-Baschet - Chronophagie 1 (Mid-1960s)
26:20 Nicolas Slonimsky conducts Edgard Varese - Ionisation (1934)
31:56 Charles Amirkhanian - Dog of Stravinsky (1982)
35:01 Demetrio Stratos - Investigazioni (Diplofonie e Triplofonie) (1978)
49:26 Delia Derbyshire - Falling (1964)


BS017 In_Cognitus - Absolv0

"Why is my heart so full of beauty`s pain?
Stop time or prolong its run
Time will kill the very beauty,
And my pain too, and a heart
Today or tomorrow, according to plan." - In_Cognitus

01 - Ab
02 - solv
03 - 0


BS016 Alexei Biryukoff - Talmenka

“This is my first album devoted purely to field recordings.
Talmenka is the name of the river in Altai Region and a village that stands on it. It's been a very inspiring place for me, surrounded by the woods, lakes and two rivers.
So here is a bunch of tracks I recorded on my several trips there.
I am sure next time I will come up with something more conceptual, but meanwhile I wanted to share a few local frequencies that are more like a sound diary of last summer.
The artwork that goes along with this release are photos of the places where the recordings were done.
Hope you will enjoy the tracks and the artwork.” - Alexei Biryukoff

01 - a six min trip
02 - crowd
03 - geese
04 - saw
05 - farm meadow
06 - dry grass
07 - thruck and thunder
08 - broken tree in the river
09 - night
10 - night fire
11 - river and birds
12 - sheapherd
13 - lonely cow
14 - rain
15 - back home


BS015 Black Square Cloudcast - Black

All is vanity and vexation of spirit.
- Bible, Ecclesiastes I. 14.

00:00 Muhmood - TV News
03:16 Roto Visage - From Mud to Memory (part 2)
08:21 Виктор Iванiв & Muhmood - Жертва
10:28 Tardigrades - I Will Outlive Mankind
19:08 Spit It Out - Insulator
25:51 Jordan Prestrot - Bourgeois
28:32 Виктор Iванiв & Muhmood - Любимый Раджа
34:17 MONO ATRO - quem
37:46 Swimmingpool The Band - Black
44:57 Doc & Lena Selyanina - That fine line from your ear to your chin (is not so obvious anymore)
01:01:30 Krzysztof Stanislawski - Chaos Eternal
01:05:59 Muhmood - Finale