Black Square Netlabel


BS028 Fescal - Omnia

Fescal’s recent wayward plunge into the dominion of dark experimental music demonstrates that not only is he a deft of beatless dark ambient drones but of melodic dark electron-organic music as well.
The title track “Ginger Baker” is a noisy venture into an opaque world of undulating drones thundering above subtle textures of electronics and samples.
The aptly named “Vulgar and Kitsch” follows with the catchy babble of strong synth and keyboard samples along with heavy crackles and glitches.
With “Bomdila Monastery” the emphasis is on an assortment of repetitive percussive sounds and looping brazen sonorities.
Fifth “Pork Pie and Beans” is a cold, mellow composition with a beautifully simple minor-keyed melody, sad synths, programmed and brisk, ominous electronics flittering about in the background.
What sounds like sound samples played in reverse set above layers of rolling percussion give “Shrimp Cake” a surreal atmosphere!
“Evening Butterflies” is a playful, abstract collage of thick drones, curious electronics, and static noise.

01 - Ginger Baker
02 - Vulgar and Kitsch
03 - Scampi with Marmite
04 - Bomdila Monastery
05 - Pork Pie and Beans
06 - Shrimp Cakes
07 - Evening Butterflies