Black Square Netlabel


BS015 Black Square Cloudcast - Black

All is vanity and vexation of spirit.
- Bible, Ecclesiastes I. 14.

00:00 Muhmood - TV News
03:16 Roto Visage - From Mud to Memory (part 2)
08:21 Виктор Iванiв & Muhmood - Жертва
10:28 Tardigrades - I Will Outlive Mankind
19:08 Spit It Out - Insulator
25:51 Jordan Prestrot - Bourgeois
28:32 Виктор Iванiв & Muhmood - Любимый Раджа
34:17 MONO ATRO - quem
37:46 Swimmingpool The Band - Black
44:57 Doc & Lena Selyanina - That fine line from your ear to your chin (is not so obvious anymore)
01:01:30 Krzysztof Stanislawski - Chaos Eternal
01:05:59 Muhmood - Finale